The Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation

The Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH or ‘WRS’) sees itself as a central contact for companies in the City of Stuttgart and the five neighbouring districts. Through its work, WRS raises awareness of the qualities the Stuttgart Region offers and uses numerous projects and offerings to promote the location’s economic development. WRS was founded in 1995. It is a publicly owned corporation that is a subsidiary of Verband Region Stuttgart and also has other shareholders.

Our project-based work calls for intensive cooperation with companies, research institutes, universities, municipal economic developers, chambers and other relevant stakeholders. We aim to develop and use new instruments for economic development, identify topics of relevance for the future at an early stage and examine these from the perspective of the regional economy.


Based on the guiding principles for the Stuttgart Region as a location for business and science and the corresponding strategy, our work is focused on the following topics:

Assisting investment and attracting new business

In order for municipalities and the region to continue to develop economically and remain competitive in the long term, commercial spaces need to be available that are tailored to the needs of companies. At the same time, however, the limited number of spaces available must be handled responsibly. For example, this involves increased redensification of existing spaces and the reactivation of wasteland and lesser-used spaces. This sustainable approach to commercial spaces is already used in many areas in the Stuttgart Region – the region has by far the lowest land use in Baden-Württemberg.


Promoting technological change and digital transformation

With each stage of technological progress, industrial production processes are becoming more integrated. Particularly for small and medium-sized businesses, this evolution toward Industry 4.0 often poses difficulties. WRS offers various platforms, passes on targeted information regarding relevant funding initiatives and helps those companies tackle the myriad challenges of structural change by promoting technology transfer between research and business on a needs basis and matching up partners to collaborate on creating innovations together.

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Progressing the sustainable use of resources

The sustainable use of resources offers huge growth potential both for traditional industry and for the mobility sector and environmental technology itself. This is thanks to opportunities for savings as well as the new products and processes that ensue. Innovative technologies can assist in achieving a balance between ecological and economic factors. WRS creates incentives for companies to use sustainable growth as an opportunity. In addition to promoting important measures in the field of alternative drives and energy sources, corporate mobility management and sustainable logistics, WRS provides assistance to the fast-growing industry of environmental technologies.

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Encouraging entrepreneurship and creativity

The Stuttgart Region has a vibrant start-up scene. New businesses, novel business ideas and models all provide significant impetus and make a key contribution to maintaining the innovative capacity of the regional economy. Many of those start-ups are reliant on funding in order to get started successfully and continue in business long term. The creative industries are an important driver in this respect. As innovation leaders for the economy as a whole, they are closely intertwined with traditional industry sectors. At the same time, the regional creative industries have become established in their own right, with all sub-sectors well represented.

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Helping to shape the world of work and ensure the availability of skilled staff

The world in which we live and work is subject to constant change as a result of technical, economic, demographic and societal developments. These megatrends have a decisive influence on how we work and what we work at. There is a shift in employment and in the skills needed as a consequence. Flexible work, agile organisations, a new approach to leadership, novel ways of working and types of work, changed professions and work spaces, IT skills and new modes of learning are just some examples. Human resources staff at SMEs can get support from WRS in these areas.

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Putting the Stuttgart Region on the map

The Stuttgart Region with its 179 municipalities is an innovative business location with an international gearing and highly qualified specialists. The region is one of Germany’s top-ranking locations for labour, competitiveness, dynamism and quality of life. It is home to international market leaders, hidden champions and global players as well as to numerous small and medium-sized enterprises, some of which are highly specialised. Leading research and educational institutions make the Stuttgart Region a university and science location of international repute. WRS markets the benefits of the region both nationally and internationally.

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More information about WRS as a company (in German)

Our offering for investors

This page provides all of the information related to having business activities in the Stuttgart Region. We support companies setting up new locations in the region as well as regional companies wishing to expand or relocate their business.

more (in German)

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The Stuttgart Region Welcome Service

The Stuttgart Region Welcome Service helps people from abroad as they move from studying to working and establishing their career in the Stuttgart Region. The core component of the service is the Stuttgart Welcome Center, which is run by WRS together with the City of Stuttgart. The Stuttgart Region Welcome Service provides regular advice, also in all of the Stuttgart Region’s administrative districts.


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The Stuttgart Region

Located in the heart of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg in the southwest of Germany, the Stuttgart Region comprises the City of Stuttgart (the state capital) and its five surrounding districts. With a population of 2.8 million, the area boasts a highly advanced industrial infrastructure and enjoys a well-earned reputation for its economic strength, cutting-edge technology and exceptionally high quality of life. Get to know the Stuttgart Region!


Start-up Welcome Package

Start-ups go and grow where their customers are and where they feel welcome. The Start-up Welcome Package assists international start-ups in finding real customers and innovation partners in Germany in the Stuttgart Region.

Start-up Welcome Package

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